NTU Architecture Subject Group

The Order of The Key

The Order of the Key Auction House is not just another ordinary place where people go to buy and sell wine. It is an underground space that embodies the essence of wine culture and history. The existing tunnel system in Nottingham has been re-purposed to create a unique and exclusive environment that is perfect for storing and aging wine. This is where the magic happens, and the experience of enjoying wine underground is second to none.

At the wine auction house, the atmosphere is one of elegance and sophistication. The dimly lit tunnels create a cosy and intimate space that is perfect for enjoying a glass of wine. The walls are adorned with vintage wine posters and maps, adding to the ambiance of the underground wine cellar. The smell of oak barrels and aging wine fills the air, creating a sensory experience that cannot be replicated anywhere else.

The seating arrangements at the wine auction house are nothing short of spectacular. Guests can sit at tables made from sandstone, or they can choose to relax in cosy booths. Each seating area is designed to maximise comfort and enhance the wine-tasting experience. The lighting is soft, and the decor is understated, allowing the wine to be the star of the show.

But it’s not just the atmosphere that makes the auction house so special. It’s the experience of being underground, surrounded by some of the finest wines in the world and by the carved sandstone. The wines are stored in temperature-controlled corridors that mimic the perfect aging conditions found in the best wine cellars. Each bottle is carefully selected for its quality and rarity, making the wine auction house a treasure trove for wine enthusiasts.

The underground wine auction house in Nottingham is more than just a place to buy and sell wine. It is a celebration of wine culture, history, and tradition. It’s a place where guests can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse themselves in a sensory experience that is truly unforgettable. It’s a place where the finest wines in the world are stored, aged, and enjoyed, surrounded by the beauty and mystery of the underground tunnels.

Andreea Maxim
Student name
Andreea Maxim
MArch Architecture

MArch Architecture

The Master of Architecture (MArch) embraces the challenge of 21st Century architectural practice and focuses on educating architects with a global outlook through projects set in local, national, and international contexts.

Through “vertical studios” in each year of study, steered by leading practitioners and academics, we put current architectural thinking at the heart of the course. We locate architectural design centrally as an academic discipline through rigorous cross-disciplinary design research and complex methodological application. The course recognises the essential cross-cutting and cross-disciplinary nature of architecture, bringing together diverse disciplines aiming to create collaborative/group work as a means of developing design creativity within the realistic teamwork environment of practice. All projects will be developed considering sustainability, environmental, socio-economic and cultural aspects, rather than being studied and applied as discrete areas of teaching and learning.

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