NTU Architecture Subject Group

The Senate in the Sun's Embrace

The senate building acts as the facilitator of the World Historical Cycle through the linking of each epoch to a parliamentary typology (the dictatorial classroom, the confrontational opposing benches, the all-encompassing circle, and its decaying form, the horseshoe). The engagement of light and kinetic elements spatially embody the fluctuations in solar energy and political engagement to generate an experimental architecture. This signifies the cycle of potential change within political culture; the steady humdrum of the known, its disruption with the engagement of the masses, and the subsequent return to sameness as the people become disengaged with politics once again. Thus we encounter an architecture constituted of a 19th century building exploring a 20th century theory in architectural means, to produce an upper house better suited to a 21st century democracy.

Student name
Stu Napier
MArch Architecture

MArch Architecture

The Master of Architecture (MArch) embraces the challenge of 21st Century architectural practice and focuses on educating architects with a global outlook through projects set in local, national, and international contexts.

Through “vertical studios” in each year of study, steered by leading practitioners and academics, we put current architectural thinking at the heart of the course. We locate architectural design centrally as an academic discipline through rigorous cross-disciplinary design research and complex methodological application. The course recognises the essential cross-cutting and cross-disciplinary nature of architecture, bringing together diverse disciplines aiming to create collaborative/group work as a means of developing design creativity within the realistic teamwork environment of practice. All projects will be developed considering sustainability, environmental, socio-economic and cultural aspects, rather than being studied and applied as discrete areas of teaching and learning.

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The Senate in the Sun's Embrace
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Enchanting Democracy: The Cirque du Parlement
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Probitas Plenum