NTU Architecture Subject Group


Metanoia is the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of living and so were the clients in this project were the journey began by transforming ruins into livable space. 12 people will live in the same space were their physical needs should be met as well as working, studying, practicing their hobbies and socializing and it seems a little crazy but it is somehow related to how people used to live in nomadic spaces and how one area is used to meet all their needs, how they used to fold and unfold furniture for multi-purposes and how they decluttered excessive stuff and got back to nature. However, nature is where the ruins are located and ivy plant is living and thriving on those old stones. So how do we use this as a strength in our project? how do we make the space integrated with nature? how do we encourage ivy plant to grow more and inspire people? how to make 12 people comfortably fit in the space with meeting all their needs and helping them in the journey of healing and living in the moment? and how is nature highly related to these kinds of people? All questions to be answered by us, designers, before starting to design the perfect space.

Ivy plant was an inspiration in different aspects. Firstly, the idea of relating human mind and nature and how we get inspired and motivated from it alongside to the peace it adds to our life by looking at its simple yet complicated way of living. All together are a source of inspiration for the clients living in the space, so instead of using materials that prevent nature from doing its thing, the choice was made to use materials that help these plants to grow and live freely on its surfaces. Secondly, the system that these plants outgrow and how everything is transformed throw roots and veins was an inspiration to form the circulation of people in the buildings and how they transform from one space to another. Ivy plant shape helped in developing the shape of the buildings, plan designing, human movement and roofing system. The shape itself was broken down to form different shapes that were adopted in the form of planning.

Nomadic spaces on the other hand played a role in the furniture placing and opening walls up to make one big space fits the needs of people living and using it. So, one kind of furniture for example was used as a living sofa while transformed into beds in the night. No enclosed rooms and everyone lives the family life by eating, sleeping and sharing happy and sad moments together.

In the end, neutral colors were adopted, organic roofing system was designed, bonding and circulating easily within the space was planned, sensing nature and praising it was developed, and mostly all client’s needs were met.

Rim Khalifi
Student name
Rim Khalifi
MA Interior Architecture and Design




Living/ Sleeping/ Playroom

Living/ Sleeping/ Playroom

MA Interior Architecture and Design

The MA Interior Architecture and Design is a multi-dimensional course which incorporates the understanding of interior, spatial and architectural design alongside an awareness of building structure.

The course is an intensive 53 week in length, and it is divided into three successive terms: Certificate, Diploma and Masters. The DIPLOMA SHOW is the conclusion of Term 2, launched in July 2021. At the end of Term 3 October 2021, the same students present their MASTERS SHOW before entering into industry or further studies.

The course has a very strong studio-based culture which is reflective of professional practice, with a combination of design and skills-based teaching and exploration with a strong focus on the spatial investigation, humancentric and holistic use of space.

Read more about the MA Interior Architecture and Design course

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