NTU Architecture Subject Group


Habi'terre is a combination of two words. Habitare in Latin means 'to dwell' and terre in French means the Earth. I wished to convey this through design and the idea of going back to the roots and giving back to the Earth. Building new spaces by fortifying the existing structure and allowing it to be a part of the present while reminding us of the past, and using a system that is regenerative so that the resources get replenished as we live. In the pursuit of transforming old mills into sustainable futuristic buildings, as a designer, I strive to create a harmonious blend of history and progress. By embracing sustainability, autonomy and uniqueness, I envision these revitalized structures as symbols of hope, showcasing the endless possibilities of a sustainable future. Trying to build a legacy that honours the past, empowers the present, and safeguards the future for generations to come.

Student name
Samia Khan
MA Interior Architecture and Design
The upper level that is like a balcony above the kitchen but also a cosy reading area for everyone residing in the house.

The upper level that is like a balcony above the kitchen but also a cosy reading area for everyone residing in the house.

The Forest School overlooks the stream and makes it the space with the best view and most peaceful atmosphere. The ledge near the large windows allows the children to sit and observe the beautiful surroundings and make the most of their time there reading and learning.

The Forest School overlooks the stream and makes it the space with the best view and most peaceful atmosphere. The ledge near the large windows allows the children to sit and observe the beautiful surroundings and make the most of their time there reading and learning.

The view from the waterfall where you see the Paint Mill encapsulated in the timber framed glass structure which is fortified with brick masonry wherever it needed it.

The view from the waterfall where you see the Paint Mill encapsulated in the timber framed glass structure which is fortified with brick masonry wherever it needed it.

MA Interior Architecture and Design

The MA Interior Architecture and Design is a multi-dimensional course which incorporates the understanding of interior, spatial and architectural design alongside an awareness of building structure.

The course is an intensive 53 week in length, and it is divided into three successive terms: Certificate, Diploma and Masters. The DIPLOMA SHOW is the conclusion of Term 2, launched in July 2021. At the end of Term 3 October 2021, the same students present their MASTERS SHOW before entering into industry or further studies.

The course has a very strong studio-based culture which is reflective of professional practice, with a combination of design and skills-based teaching and exploration with a strong focus on the spatial investigation, humancentric and holistic use of space.

Read more about the MA Interior Architecture and Design course

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