NTU Architecture Subject Group


Springwell’s CARES Academy is a cutting-edge SEND facility, helping to bridge the gap for those with additional requirements, overcoming the shortfalls in mainstream education. The scheme achieves BREEAM Outstanding with a figure of 87%, along with Net Zero Carbon through operations, while aiding pupils to thrive, by implementing green spaces and sensory walks. A main consideration of the scheme is the landscaped courtyard, to enable pupils to get out into and benefit from the natural surroundings – an aspect that is often overlooked within educational settings.

Liam Riggall
Student name
Liam Riggall
Architectural Technology
Aerial render of the proposed Springwells CARES Academy (Liam Riggall. 2023)

Aerial render of the proposed Springwells CARES Academy (Liam Riggall. 2023)

Architectural Technology

The BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology course is a professionally-focused gateway to a career in to the architectural industry. Students explore how buildings are created, procured, constructed, and managed, and develop a practical and imaginative approach to design through a project-based learning experience.

As specialists in Architectural Technology, our graduates are the link between concept and reality; learning to identify, assess and challenge client and user requirements, translating ideas and possibilities into effective, practical, and sustainable building solutions.

Read more about the Architectural Technology course

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