NTU Architecture Subject Group

The Lock Club

The Lock Club and Workshop will be a Rowing Club and Boatbuilders where people can learn to row and compete as well as a place in which boats are constructed and repaired, and people can learn this craft. The club will be built around the phenomenological idea of control over movement much the same as in the sport of rowing. This will be shown through the control not only of the movement through the space but also in how other elements such as light shall be pushed through the building. The idea of the craftmanship involved in the construction of the boats will be conveyed through the building with many of the structural elements, usually hidden, being on show allowing people to see and experience not only the craftsmanship of the boats but also the club house itself.

The Site of the Lock Club is surrounded by urban housing developments both old and modern, brand-new developments. The aim of the club is to create a place where people from these areas of all ages are able to come together to experience and learn to row as a collective. This connection can then extended across the river to the older, established clubs of Nottingham Rowing Club and Nottingham & Union Club. The aim of the workshop is to provide a service not currently available within Nottingham allowing these clubs to have a reliable, easy to access place where they can send their boats for repairs as well as source new boats for their inventories.

The building will aim to cooperate with the site and community creating facilities available to all those in the area, not just rowers, including a gym space, outdoor social facilities, a bar space and access to the canal and river paths, assisted by the rebuilding of the bridge across the loch.

Student name
Will Walton
BArch Architecture

BArch Architecture

The BArch (Hons) in Architecture course is focused on the creative and practical development of architectural design, investigated in a studio environment through a series of carefully considered practical and theoretical projects in a variety of spatial, social, cultural and topographical situations.

The purpose of the course is to align architectural concepts, thinking, techniques and values with current architectural thought and practice. It involves strategic thinking and creative imagination; problem-solving and research tasks; attention to detail and tectonic resolution; traditional and digital forms of representation; and public presentations and reviews. This course addresses the challenges of designing for diverse communities and cultures and develops Part 1 graduates with creative vision, practical skills and an ethical position in respect of the role of the architect in a globalised world.

Read more about the BArch Architecture course

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